An unfinished work hanging in the
overgrown garden
Laura Rice
Laura Rice paints large figurative works and portraits that
are colorful, poignant, and often humorous. Her portraits are vibrant charicatures,
portraying the nature of her subjects through emotive use of color and
exaggerated form. Poses and facial features are also exaggerated
to create a sense of the human spirit within. Her freely expressive style
reminds the viewer of the expressionistic portraits of Van Gogh and Cezanne,
with the addition of an irreverant exuberance. Her paintings
are often charged with an underlying sexuality. which in some cases
comes to the surface in the gestures and postures of her subjects.
Some are wistful and mysterious, others vibrant and lively. Some
are portrayed in languid repose, some in joyous celebration, and some in
quite dignity.
bathing beauty
angst ridden writer
The Mistress and the Mechanic
Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dee, and Tweedle David
Woman in Red
At the Pool