Marilyn MacKenzie
The ceramic work of Marilyn MacKenzie is primarily designed as ornamentation for home, garden, and public spaces. Her work combines  animal forms, familiar ceramic styles, and strategically placed geometric accents. Many of her pieces are designed to interact with water.  Each piece is noticeably massive and elegantly designed, giving the work a strong sense of presence. Among her accomplishments is the creation of an outdoor sculpture for the birthday celebration of world famous gourmet chef, Julia Child.
                 Marilyn  limits her palette in order to concentrate on composition and form.  Terra cotta, glossy white, and lustrous matte black are the colors she chooses to work in.  Each piece is relatively simple, but carefully executed with a zen-like clarity.  Her larger pieces combine modular units into balanced groupings.  A single fish becomes a school in the center of a fountain.  A series of clay tiles, leaping bass, and a massive central urn, make up the elements of a splashing fountain. The end result gives each piece a monumental quality that demands the viewer's attention.