Laura Anderson
Laura Anderson's paintings are emotive and expressionistic.  Her work combines abstract elements with naturalistic themes.  Her images include dreamlike spaces inhabited by, and integrated with,  insect and animal forms.  Laura uses a rich palette that accentuates the hues of the natural world.  Laura breaks her scenes into geometric areas and flowing shapes, creating spaces that are abstract, but full of depth and light. Like Cezanne or Van Gogh, Laura turns a landscape or scene into a colorful, emotive experience. 
"Summer Field"
Laura paints in acrylics on canvases thickly layered with silica sand.  This heavy base layer gives each painting a unique texture beyond what can be created with paint alone.  Some are so heavily textured that when viewed closely, the imagery becomes obscured by the rough, granular surface.  All told, her work is full of life, revealing a celebratory vision of the beauty of the natural world. 
Laura can be reached